Skolkovo Infrastructure' Limited Liability Company

Skolkovo Infrastructure' Limited Liability Company

  • Registration N: 7701897582
  • Principle State Registration Number: 1107746949793
  • Also known as: Limited Liability Company Skolkovo Infrastructure,
    ООО "ОДПС Сколково",
    Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Объединенная дирекция по проектированию и строительству Центра разработки и коммерциализации новых технологий (инновационного центра "Сколково")",
    Limited Liability Company United Department for Projection and Construction of the Center for Development and Commercialization of New Technologies (Skolkovo Innovation Center)
  • Founded: Nov. 22, 2010
  • Current state: registered
  • Registered Ludehnr Goqshqxntl
  • Address: 121205, Moscow, Lugovaya street, Skolkovo Innovation Center, 4/2
  • Statutory capital 20 000,00
  • Last profile update: April 20, 2024

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