Interdisciplinary Law Firm of the Fuel and Energy Complex 'YurtEk-Inter' Limited Liability Company

Interdisciplinary Law Firm of the Fuel and Energy Complex 'YurtEk-Inter' Limited Liability Company

  • Registration N: 7729343640
  • Principle State Registration Number: 1027739506453
  • Also known as: "UrTEK-inter" Company Limited
  • Founded: Nov. 26, 1996
  • Current state: registered
  • Registered Drkzcqh Bnuauhrwbw
  • Address: 117393, Moscow, улица Архитектора Власова, Д. 22, ЭТАЖ 1 ПОМЕЩ. 1
  • Statutory capital 150 000,00
  • Last profile update: March 27, 2024

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