State educational institution ‘Molyatichy Educational and Pedagogical Complex Kindergarten-Basic School’

State educational institution ‘Molyatichy Educational and Pedagogical Complex Kindergarten-Basic School’

  • Registration N: 790630346
  • Also known as: Дзяржаўная ўстанова адукацыі "Маляціцкі вучэбна-педагагічны комплекс дзіцячы сад-сярэдняя школа"
  • Founded: Dec. 16, 2009
  • Current state: registered
  • Registered Kvpnygf
  • Address: Molyatichi, Krichev district, Mogilev region, Belarus, Shkolny lane, 3
  • Last profile update: April 2, 2024

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