Cultural Institution ‘Honored Collective of the Republic of Belarus’ Spectacle and Cultural Complex ‘Gomel State Circus’

Cultural Institution ‘Honored Collective of the Republic of Belarus’ Spectacle and Cultural Complex ‘Gomel State Circus’

  • Registration N: 400074257
  • Also known as: Установа культуры "Заслужаны калектыў Рэспублікі Беларусь "Відовішчна-культурны комплекс "Гомельскі дзяржаўны цырк"
  • Founded: Feb. 22, 1994
  • Current state: registered
  • Registered Sahdung
  • Address: Gomel, Sovetskaya street, 27
  • Last profile update: April 2, 2024

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